Anti-Social Behaviour

Milnbank Housing Association tenants are expected to behave respectfully under the terms of their tenancies or lease agreements. This means that antisocial behaviour or criminality can lead to eviction. .

Important: if someone is in immediate danger, phone the police on 999.

What is anti-social behaviour?

Antisocial behaviour is behaviour that is disruptive to you, the people around you, or your local community. 

Anti-social behaviour (ASB) is wide ranging and includes disputes with neighbours, noise, substance abuse and serious harassment or criminal activity. Antisocial behaviour can refer to one-off incidents of violence or crime, but usually refers to problems that continue for a period of time. 

It can be: 

  • Rowdy behaviour, such as shouting, swearing or fighting 
  • Intimidation or abuse 
  • Excessive noise 
  • Graffiti 
  • Dumping litter or fly tipping 
  • Drug or alcohol abuse, including buying and selling drugs 
  • Racial abuse and other hate crimes 

What isn’t antisocial behaviour?

Some neighbourhood problems can come from differences in the way people live their lives, and aren’t necessarily anti-social behaviour – like using a washing machine early in the morning or children playing in the flat above. 

In fact, your neighbours may not realise that what they’re doing is disturbing you so it might be worth approaching them. But don’t pursue it if it ends up in an argument. 

Complaints about noise are not normally considered antisocial behaviour. Noise is an unavoidable part of life, especially if you live in flats or live close to your neighbours. 

How to report ASB

Always phone 999 in an emergency, such as if there is danger to life, if violence is being used or threatened, if a crime is in progress, or if someone suspected of a crime is nearby. 

Phone 101 to speak to your local police to report crime and other concerns that do not require an emergency response: for example, if your property has been damaged, or if you suspect drug use or drug dealing in your neighbourhood. 

You should also contact the police if you think the problem is: 

  • domestic abuse or violence 
  • harassment or hate crime 

How we deal with ASB complaints

When you report anti-social behaviour, we’ll: 

  • Listen carefully to your problem and clearly explain what will happen next 
  • Treat all information confidentially 
  • Keep you up-to-date on our investigation 
  • Work with other organisations, such as Police Scotland and Glasgow City Council,     to support you and resolve the problem. 

Who can report ASB

You dont need to be the victim to complain about antisocial behaviour: you can report it if youre concerned about the welfare of a neighbour. For example, older people often need support from neighbours to report antisocial behaviour. 

Noise: contact Glasgow City Council

Glasgow City Council is responsible for making sure that noise levels are not harmful to health. So, if you suffer regularly from deliberate, excessive noise eg shouting, loud music, or parties you should report it to the Councils Noise Team on 0141 287 6688 or via their website 

Contact us

You should contact us if the problem is not a police matter, and after you’ve contacted your local council if it’s a noise issue. 

When you report ASB please try to give us as much information as possible. This can include: 

  • your own name and address and contact details 
  • details of the person you’re complaining about – name and address or description 
  • a brief summary of any incidents – what happened, where and when, who was involved, how long it lasted and if there were other witnesses. 

If you’ve got any evidence of ASB, this is often useful. Keep a note of any incidents. You could take photos, as long as it’s safe to do so and won’t make the situation worse.