Making a Complaint

We aim to provide a first-class service but recognise that there may be times where you are not happy about an aspect of our service. It is important for us to know about any such occasion. We value complaints and use information from them to help us improve our services.

We define a formal complaint as as any expression of dissatisfaction about our action or lack of action, or about the standard of service provided by us or on our behalf.
You can make your complaint in person, by phone, by email or in writing.

We have a 2 stage complaints procedure. We will always try to deal with your complaint quickly. 

Complaints & Serious Concerns – If you are a tenant of a registered social landlord (RSL), such as a housing association or co-operative, or if you are a council tenant, you can report a significant performance failure (SPF) to The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR).  The SHR has produced an information leaflet explaining the difference between a complaint and a serious concerns.  Find out more. (You can also download Word Version of a Serious Concerns form)

Stage 1: Frontline Resolution

Initially we like to try and resolve complaints at first contact, through telephone or face to face discussion. If you are unhappy in any way, please tell us. It is important for us to hear what your concerns are, for you to provide us with as much information as possible and more importantly to let us know what would resolve your concerns.

We will always try to respond to your complaint quickly, within 5 working days if we can.

We hope to resolve all concerns through frontline resolution discussions, however, should you remain unhappy, you can ask us to consider your complaint at Stage 2.

Stage 2 – Investigation

We will look at your complaint at this stage if you are dissatisfied with our response at stage 1. We also look at some complaints immediately at this stage, if it is clear that they need investigation.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days.

We will confirm the points of complaint to be investigated and what you want to achieve.

We will investigate the complaint and give you our decision as soon as possible. This will be after no more than 20 working days unless there is clearly a good reason for needing more time. 

If our investigation will take longer than 20 working days, we will tell you. We will tell you our revised time limit and keep you updated on progress.

A copy of our Complaints  Handling Policy can be found here

What if I am still dissatisfied?

If, after we have given you our final decision, you are still dissatisfied with our decision or the way we dealt with your complaint, you can ask the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO) to look at it.

There are some complaints about housing that have an alternative route for independent review. We will tell you how to seek independent review when we give you our final response on your complaint.

The SPSO is an independent organisation that investigates complaints. They are not an advocacy or support service (but there are other organisations who can help you with advocacy or support). You can ask the SPSO to look at your complaint if:

  • You have gone all the way through MHAs complaints handling procedure
  • It is less than 12 months after you became aware of the matter you want to complaint about; and
  • The matter has not been (and is not being) considered in court.

The SPSO will ask you to complete a complaint form and provide a of  our final  response to your complaint. You can do this online at or call them on Freephone 0800 377 7330.

You may wish to get independent support or advocacy to help you progress your complaint.

See the section on Getting help to make your complaint.
The SPSOs contact details are:
Bridgeside House
99 McDonald Road
Edinburgh EH7 4NS

(if you would like to visit in person, you must make an appointment first).

Their freepost address is:
Freephone: 0800 377 7330

Website: www.

By completing this form, you agree that we can use the details provided to contact you.  

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